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If you're interested in contributing content to the RARS Blog read through the Submission Categories, Submission Guidelines and Writing Resources.


Submit your Blog Post here:


We are currently accepting article submissions from RUSM students, alumni, faculty and staff.


Samuel Kim 


Fountain Pen


Submission Categories

Research | Reflection | Interview | Art & Medicine


Research Roadmap Series

This Series is meant to guide students through the process of research in medical school. Submissions to this category can be on any topic related to conducting research. Articles are meant to be geared towards students at RUSM, so incorporation of the IMG perspective on best practices and the research experience is valued.


Currently, we are seeking submissions exploring the role of different types of research articles (case reports, case series, literature reviews, meta-analyses, etc.) in the medical community, however, submissions exploring other topics are welcome.

Evidence-Based Medicine Series

This Series is a platform to share perspectives on topics that are important socially, politically or personally through the lens of evidence-based decision making and information sharing. These submissions may be written as a literature review or less formally as an informative discussion with the reader. However, even if written less formally, all submissions to this category must maintain a professional voice and include substantive references.


Service Learning Research Essay submissions fall into this category.

Original Research

If you have published research in a peer-reviewed journal, you may use this category as a platform to give personal insight into your experience and promote your original research. Submissions should explain the significance of your research and its key outcomes in lay language and should reference your original research article. Lay language articles such as this can increase visibility of your research, leading to increased citations and collaborations with other researchers interested in your work.


This category may be used for the initial publication of original research, without reference to a previously published abstract, only if the author has written their article with the explicit understanding that they cannot “reuse” or otherwise resubmit their article to any other publication platform. If the author has the intention to publish their original research in a peer-reviewed journal, it is their responsibility to apprise themselves of the expectations of the journal and ensure that their submission to the RARS platform does not infringe on or otherwise violate the terms of the other journal.


Although the RARS platform is not a peer-reviewed journal, we are dedicated to maintaining high standards of post quality and professional integrity. As such, we reference the ICMJE guidelines on Overlapping Publications for all Original Research postings.



Student Perspective

This is a platform to share perspectives on events that have impacted your point of view as a medical student. References are not required, however, should be included when appropriate. This category is intentionally broad, and reflections on all types of clinical and non-clinical experiences are welcome. Submissions may be in any medium.


Service Learning Reflective Essay submissions fall into this category.


Letters to the Editor

Letters submitted to this category should reference the blog post it was written in response to and should be no longer than 500 words. Letters should present information and viewpoints distinct from the original blog post. References other than to the original blog are not required, however, should be included when appropriate.




Alumni Interviews

Alumni interviews feature RUSM Alumni who are actively conducting research. These interviews are meant to give insight into conducting research in a specific specialty, and into alumni experiences in medical school, residency and their career. Contact RARS for specific questions to ask interviewees and guidance on how to appropriately contact alumni.


Current Student Interviews

Current student interviews feature current RUSM MS1 through MS4 students who are actively conducting research. These interviews are meant to give other RUSM medical students perspective on how students before them succeeded in conducting research. Contact RARS for specific questions to ask interviewees and for any needed guidance.



Art & Medicine


This is a space in which students can share their experiences through art. Themes can include, but are not limited to- your time on the island, your journey through medicine, a unique experience, etc. This can include photography and/or digital artwork submitted in a medium that can be easily added to the blog. Artwork submitted should be original and authentic to the artist.



Poems can be related to a medical experience, but poems consisting of other themes are welcomed (ex- diversity, reflection, a past patient experience, etc). Poems submitted should be original and authentic to the author.


Note: Any work that is submitted here cannot have been published anywhere else, including but not limited to Ross University’s creative journal, Carpe Tempus. Additionally, profanity, nudity, obscene language and defamation are strictly prohibited. Work that is submitted to include any of these will not be considered for publication.

Art & Medicine

Submission Guidelines


In-text Citation

We ask that contributors follow American Medical Association style when using in-text citations, however, in lieu of superscript numerals, please use numerals within parentheses; at this point in time our Blog does not support superscript text. A number should immediately follow the idea or quote that is being cited. The number should be placed outside of periods and commas, and within colons and semi-colons. Citations should be numbered in consecutive order as they appear in the text. This is (1) an example (2); follow AMA style.(3) For further guidance on how to use AMA style, refer to 'Writing Resources' below.


Data published in original research is not copyright protected. As such, charts and tables from original research may be adapted or redrawn and used within articles submitted to RARS. Redrawn or adapted tables and charts must cite the source of original data within the text and as a reference. If an author seeks to exactly reproduce a chart or table from another source, they must ensure that the chart or table is not protected by copyright, or obtain permission from the original author or publisher. Often, obtaining permission to reproduce a table or chart is a simple process, and many publishers have short forms or outlines listed directly on their website explaining how and when to obtain appropriate permissions.


Per ICJME recommendations, an author should strive to, whenever possible, directly cite original research. We ask that authors use their best judgement when citing information from news outlets and other media and make all attempts to ensure that when citing secondary sources (i.e. an article published by MSNBC that provides a lay language overview of original research published in Nature), the primary source that is being cited by the news outlet or other media is accurately represented.


For any questions on how to access primary sources, on when to use a citation and on how to navigate copyright, please don't hesitate to reach out to the RUSM Library or RARS. Purdue's Online Writing Lab provides an excellent flowchart describing when it is or is not necessary to include a citation.



References in AMA style are preferred. However, references in APA, MLA and NLM format are acceptable as long as a consistent style is maintained throughout. References should be listed at the end of the article in the order that they are cited in the text. 


Other Resources within Text

Publishing in a blog format allows for leeway in directing readers to new websites and resources without using those resources as a reference. Contributors are welcome to incorporate elements such as hyperlinks, images, embedded html and formatting that add to the appeal and utility of their article. 



Writing Resources

Writing Resources



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